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20170516 EMI A Cost Benefit Analysis by Prof Ernesto Macaro
OUHK - English Medium Instruction: A Cost-benefit Analysis
20170518 EMI Which English and How Much English by Prof Ernesto Macaro
English Medium Instruction - Keynote by Prof. Ernesto Macaro at Oxford Educational Cloud Conference
Milestones in English: Study Skills (Ernesto Macaro)
excitELT: Kari Sahan on EMI
Oxford for Europe, the Brexit Crisis - Friday March 1st 2019: Q&A 2 cont'd
The Ernesto Macaro Quartet 10APR22
Lecture 5: How is EMI conducted?
EMI Research Methodology
Oxford Path家長講座 by Professor Ernesto Macaro (University of Oxford)
동국대 EMI(English Mediated Instruction) - 4. Facilitating discussion